The 46th spring number of “Awedis” has just appeared. In the article of Editor in Chief we read:
The war in Arcach ended with the November truce, but not everyone agreed with its arrangements. Protests in Armenia continue to this day. Demonstrators and part of the army are demanding the Prime Minister’s resignation and the revision of the armistice decisions.
But war is, apart from the loss of territories, the death of soldiers and civilians, thousands of wounded and refugees. We write about some of the effects of the war on pages 1-3. On page 7, however, Konrad Siekierski describes, using the example of one region adjacent to Karabakh, how quickly what has been built laboriously by the Armenians since the previous war can be destroyed.
In Poland, in pandemic conditions, traditional community meetings are not held and masses are usually celebrated without the participation of the faithful. They are broadcast online. However, one event is extremely important to us – it is a success in gaining a new location for our Foundation. A larger place in a perfect location will allow us to protect the collections even better than up to now and organize more popularizing enterprises in the future.
On this occasion, we would also like to remind you what the Foundation team achieved and what tasks it accomplished last year.
Due to the lack of events, we focus on history and tradition.
We also recall last year’s Armenian jubilees too.
We invite you for reading. Do pobrania (downloadable)