The next, 9th issue of the Lehahayer magazine edited by Andrzej A. Zieba has been published.
Marcin Łukasz Majewski opens this issue with an article devoted to the records of the Armenian parish in Zamość. Andrzej A.Zięba writes about the manuscript songbook of the Armenian Benedictine nun Antonina Grzegowiczówna from 1757. Among the published publications, we will find an article devoted to the Benedictine nuns of the Latin and Armenian rites, their mutual relations and coexistence until the time of expatriation from Lviv to the new borders of Poland – written by Urszula Ososko
Tomasz Krzyżowski studied old prints from the collection of Archbishop Józef Teodorowicz, and in the second material he dealt with the topic of plans to create a Slavic-Armenian-Catholic church union in the 1930s.
Ewa Siemieniec-Gołaś explored the scientific achievements of Professor Edward Tryjarski in terms of his research on the Armenian-Kipchak language. Of course, these are not all the materials included in this interesting magazine.