Dear readers, friends and donors,

There have been many changes in the Foundation at the beginning of this year.

We will resign from the services of the former bank. Currently it is exclusively BNP Paribas – account number where payments for statutory purposes can be made is; 35 1600 1462 1890 8960 3000 0001

Another fundamental change is that in the 15th year of its activity, the Foundation moves to a new premises
that meets our needs and expectations.
Our new address is; ul. Świętojerska 12, 00-236 Warszawa (12, Swietojerska str., 00-236 Warsaw)
– near tourist routes – Nowe Miasto (New Town), 150 m from Freta Street.


The new headquarters is located on the ground floor with an entrance directly from the street. The space at our disposal will allow us to devote it partially for the generally available exhibitions of our museum and archives.

It is apparent that the implementation of these wonderful plans will be dependent on obtaining the necessary resources. However, we are full of optimism that everything will turn out to be successful. We believe that in a few months we will be able to host our friends, supporters, people interested in our collections and tourists visiting Warsaw.

Wirtualny Świat Polskich Ormian