Ekspozycja muzealna, Warszawa ul. Świętojerska 12

soboty i niedziele g. 15–18
grupy na telefon: 502 421 944

Armenian exhibition, Warsaw Świętojerska 12

Saturdays and Sundays 3–6 p.m.
groups – +48 502 421 944

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շաբաթ և կիրակի օրերին՝ 15–18
այցելությունների համար
զանգահարել +48 502 421 944

History Meeting House in the Treasury of Polish Armenians

Like every Saturday, the Treasury of Polish Armenians opened its doors to visitors, but June 15 was a special day because Mr. Tomasz Kuba Kozłowski from the History Meeting House invited two groups of long-time lovers of historical walks to the headquarters of the...

The 10th issue of the “Lehahayer” magazine has been published

The tenth anniversary issue of “Lehahayer " the Journal devoted to the history of Polish Armenians" has been published. “Including Year 10, which we are presenting to readers this year, we have published 84 articles and source editions, 17 scientific contributions, 18...

The Gospel Book from Skewra in the Palace of the Republic of Poland

Yesterday, on May 21, 2024, the Palace of the Republic of Poland was grandly opened, which has now become the treasury of the National Library presenting its most valuable objects. Among them, one of the most valuable Armenian manuscripts - the Skewra Gospel, called...

Night of Museums – see you next year!

The twentieth Night of Museums in Poland and the fifth at the Polish Armenian Culture and Heritage Foundation is already behind us. Our Armenian offer turned out to be interesting again and attracted a lot of visitors of all ages. We had something nice for everyone....

A suitcase of memories!

May 11, at noon at 12:00, we opened a new, this time temporary exhibition at the headquarters of the Polish Armenian Culture and Heritage Foundation: "Zachariasz Gregorowicz 1884-1961 - Suitcase of memories". The pretext for organizing this exhibition were the...

Armenian Laski

We met Sister Miriam Isakowicz on January 18, 2024 in Radwanowice at the funeral of Fr. Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski, her nephew. Shortly afterwards, five of us visited her in Laski and promised to meet again - with ArmenianHoly Mass for his soul. And so, on a hot...

Promotion of the Publication – Women with Pastorals

At the headquarters of the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians on February 25, 2023, a solemn promotion of the publication "Women with Pastorals. Portraits of the Duchess of the Benedictine Armenian Nuns in Lviv; history, contexts, comments"...

New issue of LEHAHAYER magazine

The next, 9th issue of the Lehahayer magazine edited by Andrzej A. Zieba has been published. Marcin Łukasz Majewski opens this issue with an article devoted to the records of the Armenian parish in Zamość. Andrzej A.Zięba writes about the manuscript songbook of the...

An unusual discovery in an old record book

More archives saved within the framework of the latest edition of the competition "Supporting archival activities". We start with summaries therefore. At the beginning, Discovery in the Foundation for Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians. - Such an entry appeared...

Our exhibition enjoys great interest

Yesterday, March 11, 2023, Olga (first from the right in the photo) took her first steps in guiding around our exhibition. For a debut, she does it very well. There were visitors who thoroughly learned every detail. Thanks to our multimedia, they watched, among...



We invite you to visit our permanent museum exhibition TREASURE OF POLISH ARMENIANS every Saturday and Sunday from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm (soon also on Sundays) at 12 Świętojerska Street. Groups of more than five people will be accepted at any dates agreed by phone – 502 421 944.

Thesaurus Armenorum

Thesaurus Armenorum – in other words,
the Treasury of the Armenians. It is the project that we have been implementing for the last year with a grant from the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sports, the purpose of which was to organize and equip the new seat of the Foundation.

As part of this project, our Archives received professional shelves and a computer for work. In front of the entrance, there is a glass wall with the Foundation’s logo etched in it. In the space that is to perform the exhibition function, we have installed specialized lighting that no museum would be ashamed of. The picture hanging systems were fastened on the walls.
Within the grant we purchased the first two showcases. We were able to hang up finally the pride of our resources – a complete collection of portraits of the Armenian Benedictine Nuns from Lviv, donated to the Foundation. After 70 years they have undergone the necessary maintenance.
After almost a year of strenuous activities and work of the entire team, the interior of the main room is unrecognizable. Only pandemic restrictions prevent us from making our Foundation and its resources available to all interested parties. We hope however that in the spring the situation in this respect will improve and we will be able to celebrate the 16th anniversary of establishing the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians with our friends and supporters. We showed the effects of the work achieved thanks to the grant from the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, among others in our 2022 calendar and in our annual report.
The project Thesaurus Armenorum – Treasury of the Armenians was co-financed by the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport from the Culture Promotion Fund – a state special purpose fund. Once again, we would like to thank very much for the donation granted, with the hope that the next one we have applied for would also be awarded to us. This will make it possible to finalize the creation of the historical exhibition of the Foundation’s collections. This exhibition would be made available to the inhabitants of Warsaw as well as domestic and foreign tourists visiting our capital.

We invite you to view the photos of the works that were made thanks to the grant from the Ministry of CNHS 2021 FKiDOP_MKiDN

Armenian by origin is a co-winner of the Nobel Prize in the field of medicine

Ardem Patapoutian and David Julius have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. They received the award for discovering the temperature and touch receptors.
Ardem Patapoutian is a molecular biologist and neurobiologist of Armenian descent at Scripps Research in La Jolla, California.

In the justification of this year’s award, it was stated; “How are nerve impulses initiated so that we can feel the temperature and pressure. This question has been solved by this year’s Nobel laureates.”

David Julius used capsaicin, a pungent compound derived from chilli peppers that induces a burning sensation to identify a heat-responsive sensor in the skin’s nerve endings.
Ardem Patapoutian used pressure-sensitive cells to discover a new class of sensors that respond to mechanical stimuli in the skin and internal organs.

“Our ability to feel warm, cold and touch is indispensable to our existence and is the basis of our interaction with the world around us. In our daily lives these sensations are obvious to us, but how are nerve impulses initiated so that we can feel temperature and pressure? ”
This question has been solved by this year’s Nobel laureates – it was stated in the explanatory memorandum to this year’s award.

“Laureates identified critical missing links in our understanding of the complex interaction between our senses and the environment”. The Swedish Academy added in the justification to the award.

Fot.:HUFFAKER/AP, ©; Illustrated by: Nikolas Elmehed
More interesting news on this subject: ONET_wiadomości

Scientific Conference – “Caucasus – Past – Present – Future”

Scientific Conference – “Caucasus – Past – Present – Future”
21-22 October 2021

The University of Rzeszów invites all interested in Caucasian issues to Rzeszów for the 10th International Scientific Conference “Caucasus – Past – Present – Future” , which will be held on October 21-22, 2021.
The conference is interdisciplinary and covers the period from antiquity to the latest times.
Its purpose is to present the latest results of research on the Caucasus and to create conditions for discussion and exchange of views of international circles of researchers.

Academics, specialists, researchers, applicants for doctors degree and students from Poland and other countries, especially from the Caucasus region, as well as representatives of the Polish Diaspora from the Caucasus and Caucasian nations from Poland and Europe are invited to participate in the conference.
The conference proceedings will be conducted in Polish, Russian and English.

“The History of Armenia in Three Books” by Mozes Chorenacy has been published

Historia Armenii w trzech tomachThe “History of Armenia in three books” by Mozes Chorenacy – the next volume, already the fourth in the series “Lehahayer” Library, was published by the Krakow Center for Research on Armenian Culture in Poland.
It is a translation of an important source in the history of Armenia.
The translation was made by Dr. Stanislaw Ulaszek (University of Gdańsk) from the History of Armenia edition by prof. Gagik Sarkisjan (in Russian).
Additional footnotes, comments, introduction and indexes were provided by Professor Andrzej Pisowicz (Jagiellonian University). The cover of the issue was designed by Monika Zolotenka. The publication of the volume was facilitated by a generous donation from Mr. Zbigniew Manugiewicz, a member of the Council of KCRACP. Like the previous volumes, this one was also published by Ksiegarnia Akademicka in Krakow, where it is also available for purchase.

Mowses Chorenacy also called Mozes from Choren is a historian of ancient Armenia. As for his biography, disputes persist in science. Some arbitrarily believe that he lived at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries.
He himself claimed to be a student of two outstanding personalities of the Armenian Church, active at the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries; Swietego Mesrob, known as Masztoc, author of the Armenian alphabet, and Swietego Sahak, known as the Great. Saint Sahak was a Catholicos, a descendant of Saint Gregory who converted Armenia to Christianity and hence he was called the Illuminator. After the Council of Ephesus (431) they were to send him on a journey through the most important centers of Christianity in Jerusalem, Alexandria, Constantinople and Rome. After his return, Moses dealt with the translation of various works into the Armenian language, and in his old age he wrote the history of Armenia from the most ancient, legendary times until the first half of the 5th century. He based his argumentations on Armenian sources, various Christian writings, the archives of Nineveh and the works of ancient writers. He wrote on the glory of the Bagratuni dynasty, but above all he glorified his homeland, Armenia.
He linked its history with the history of the people of Israel and the most distant fate of Eastern civilization.

As we read in the introduction, the publication is intended for all Poles interested in Armenia, its centuries-old history, old Christian tradition and literature dating back to antiquity.


On September 23, 2021, Archbishop Raphael Minassian,
the former Ordinary of the Armenian Catholic Church for Armenia, Georgia, Russia and Eastern Europe was elected by the Holy Synod of the Armenian Catholic Church as a new Catholicos – the Patriarch of Cilicia for Catholic Armenians. He adopted the name
Rafael Bedros XXI (Pol. Rafał Piotr XXI, Eng. Raphael Peter XXI)

More news; Ordynariat.

Consecutive 48th number of “Awedis” – Autumn 2021

The 48th autumn number of “Awedis” has just appeared – Autumn 2021. In the opening article Editor in Chief writes :

Dear Readers,

On September 27, a year passed from the Azerbaijani attack in Nagorno-Karabakh and the beginning of the 44-day war in which at least 7,000 soldiers and civilians were killed. Thousands of other people had to flee the battlefields to seek refuge in Armenia or abroad. The Azerbaijani side was actively supported by Turkey with equipment as well as military personnel. In June this year, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the occupied areas of Arcakh and the city of Susha. He also signed a new alliance pact with Azerbaijan. Thus, according to some commentators, Azerbaijan entered the road of vassalage by Turkey. Meanwhile, the world seems to have forgotten about this war. An example can be Euro 2020 matches that were played in Baku. Football emotions were supposed to cover the recent aggression and casualties.

But the Armenians in Poland and in the world have not forgotten. This year, despite of the 30th anniversary of Armenia’s independence, the main topic is still war and its consequences. Instead of celebrating, it was laying of wreaths and burning candles. Charity actions aimed at supporting people affected by the war are still being undertaken, such as auctions of paintings (p.14) or excursions for children from Armenia (p.9). Polish Armenians want to commemorate the victims with monuments hence a new khachkar in Bialystok.(p.2)

A kind of consolation was the fact that in the last quarter the number of cases of covid 19 decreased and it was possible to return to a more or less normal rhythm of life.Armenian Days in Gdansk (p. 1) or church celebrations could not take place under lockdown conditions. Therefore, we hope that the next autumn wave of covid 19 cases will not be as serious as last year one and that next year will be considered as free of the pandemic.

Editor’s Office

We invite you for reading; Awedis

Vernissage of Exhibition of Portraits of Armenian Abbesses

Exhibition of portraits of Abbesses-the Benedictine nuns “Women with Crossiers” – open

For over 70 years, the portraits were rolled up in the convent’s attic. The Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians received paintings from Benedictine Sisters from Wolów and thanks to the funds obtained 7 paintings have already undergone thorough conservation. The opening of the Exhibition of the Portraits of Abbesses, due to the large number of invited guests, took place in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. There were three lectures on the agenda of the meeting. There were as well performances of the ancient music ensemble “La Tempesta” conducted by Jakub Burzynski. The first speaker was to be Reverend Prof. dr Jozef Naumowicz. Unfortunately, his illness prevented him from participating in the opening of the exhibition. However, he found a worthy replacement in the person of Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Stopka from Jagiellonian University. After the lecture on the Armenian Catholic rite, the musicians performed in a beautiful arrangement the song “Surb Surb” (Swiety Swiety) (Holy Holy).-
The second speaker was Dr. Andrzej A. Zieba also from the Jagiellonian University. He spoke about the convention of the Armenian Benedictine Sisters and the gallery of portraits of abbesses. Finally, the head conservator of the Collegium Maius University Museum in Krakow, Joanna Polesch told about the course of research and discovered some secrets of image conservation
The musicians performed three times presenting great ancient music – 5 singers and 2 instrumentalists – positive and chitarone. After the musicians’ final performance, all the participants of said event went to the Museum building /which was situated next to the Cathedral/ to visit the said Exhibition . read more…

On Popularizing of the Polish Armenians History by Pawel Grzesik in the Armenian Journal “Aravot”

The author of the article is Astghik Kirakosyan, who currently lives in Kielce. The article will be published in several parts in Armenian and English.
I am glad that the most important stages of the history of Polish Armenians – from the Middle Ages to the present day – will be presented in this form to the inhabitants of Armenia.

Paweł Grzesik

In Poland Armenians had their church and their own law. Pawel Grzesik

I met Pawel Grzesik by accident while asking for directions. An Armenian volunteer running into a historian researching Armenian history and culture on her first day in Poland, what are the odds? Pawel then invited me to the National Museum in Kielce, where I interviewed him about his work – and was pleasantly surprised. “I owe my interest in Armenian history to Grzegorz Axentowicz, who was the head of the Chamber of Crafts here in Kielce in the 1930s. One day, his son Marek donated a personal collection connected to his father to the museum, which included a lot of photos and other mementos, and I decided to write an article on Grzegorz. While writing it, I discovered that he knew about his Armenian roots and was proud of them, and that is how I became interested in the history of Armenians in Poland as well as the history of Armenia proper – all because of one man’s life story. Since then I held several lectures in Kielce’s National Museum and other places as well, on the subject of Armenians in Poland and Armenian history and heritage in general.” Pawel then shows me a presentation over a hundred slides long, which he used for his lectures at Kielce Art School three years ago, when they devoted a whole year to Armenian art and culture.

read more…

7th number of the scientific journal “Lehahayer”

Okładka Lehahayer nr 7

The 7th issue of the Armenian scientific yearly “Lehahayer”, published by the Center of Armenian Culture Research in Poland, edited by Andrzej A.Zieba. The following articles were published in the issue;

-Armenians in Zamość in the first three decades of the city’s existence (1580-1610)
Author Marcin łukasz Majewski

– Organization of crafts and trade in the Armenian commune in Stanisławów in the 17th and 18th centuries
Author Andrzej Gliński

-“Who plays with what and with what lives”. Armenian professions from Kuty nad Cheremosz compared to other nations at the end of the 18th century
Author Franciszek Wasyl

-The idea of the return of Armenians from dispersion to their national homeland in the light of Robert Bogdanowicz’s memorials of 1877 and 1884
Author Andrzej A.Zięba
-Polish-Armenian Society in Lviv (1920-1922)
Author Jakub Osiecki

-Teaching the Armenian language at the University of Lviv in 1904-1939
Author Tomasz Krzyżowski

-Czech-Armenian relations. A brief historical overview
Author Petra Kosfalova

-Foundation for the Development and Support of Armenological Studies “Aniw”. Overview of activities.
Authors Armen Checzojan and Jewgienij Gurinov

-Protection of the Armenian heritage in the activities of the Foundation of the Heritage and Culture of Polish Armenians
Author Maria Ohanowicz-Tarasiuk

-Wartan R,Grigorian (1929-2019) in Memoriam ,
Author Aram Grigorian

-Wartan Rubenowicz Grigorian (1919-2019). Historian, armenologist, publicist, collector of old Armenian manuscripts; Memories of Wartan Grigorian
Author Andrzej Pisowicz

The publication was published thanks to a grant from the Lanckoroński Foundation and funds allocated to the statutory activity of the Faculty of History of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

Wirtualny Świat Polskich Ormian