Board exhibition: *MOUNTAIN KARABAKH: endangered Armenian heritage*. It is co-organized by the Polish Armenian Culture and Heritage Foundation with the French organization L’Œuvre d’Orient. This exhibition, dedicated to the endangered Armenian cultural heritage in the areas of Nagorno-Karabakh – the historical part of Greater Armenia, has been opened!
Opening of the exhibition at the Priest Jan Twardowski square in Warsaw on October 4, 2024 was performed by HE Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop-Metropolitan of Warsaw and Ordinary of Armenian Catholics in Poland who was accompanied by the auxiliary bishop, HE prof. Michał Janocha. The exhibition will be presented until October 18, 2024. Special speeches were given among others,by: HE Alexander Arzoumanian – ambassador of the Republic of Armenia in Poland, prof. Bishop Michał Janocha – auxiliary bishop of Warsaw, representatives of the French organization L’Œuvre d’Orient in the persons of its president – Mr. Jean-Yves Tolot and Fr. Jean-Marie Humeau – member of the council of the Ordinariate of France, faithful of the Eastern rites, Mikołaj Murkociński, representative of L’Œuvre d’Orient in Poland and Maria Ohanowicz-Tarasiuk – president of the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians, thanking the representatives of the French organization for making the exhibition available.
Among the distinguished guests were present too: Priest Dr. Janusz Bodzon, Chancellor of the Warsaw Metropolitan Curia, friends and supporters of the Polish Armenian Culture and Heritage Foundation. After the opening of the exhibition, the gathered people entered the hospitable threshold of the History Meeting House in Warsaw, where lectures on the history and tragic contemporary fate of Nagorno-Karabakh (Arcakh) were delivered by HE Jerzy Marek Nowakowski, ambassador-nominator of the Republic of Poland in Armenia, and the priest prof. Józef Naumowicz, pastor of Armenian Catholics in Poland. After the Armenian refreshment, the guests from L’Œuvre d’Orient visited the headquarters of the Foundation for the Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians, where they became acquainted with the collections of the Treasury of Polish Armenians.
We would like to express our special thanks to Mr. Mikołaj Murkociński, who came up with the idea of moving this exceptionally beautiful exhibition from Paris, where it was previously presented to Warsaw. He was actively involved as well in its organization here among others by translating the French texts into Polish.
A detailed report on this event will be published in the issue of the Armenian magazine “Awedis”. The exhibition presents historic objects: buildings, churches, monasteries and khachkars. It illustrates the religious and cultural heritage of the Armenian people over almost two millennia, now being destroyed by Azerbaijani aggression.
Photos: Armen Artwich and Władysław Deńca