Dear Friends,

After almost 13 years we part with the Foundation of Culture and Heritage of Polish Armenians previous website edition. The change is due to technical reasons.From the 14th of February 2020 onwards we invite yourselves to our new website which apparently is active under address known to everybody “WWW.DZIEDZICTWO.ORMIANIE.PL”

Cordial thanks to Monika HYPERLINK “”Zoloteñka HYPERLINK “” and the company “Magia Uslug” (Magic of Services) for working out of the new design and putting the website in service. We thank as well the Ministry of Internal Affairs ans Administration for financing the project. Up to October 2019 entries are duplicated at both websites while from the 14th of February 2020 new messages appear at the new website only. We invite You for reading .

Wirtualny Świat Polskich Ormian